Saturday, November 10, 2018

No, No, No, No, Go!

7. Sex Education.

What is Sex Education?

Well Google says that the definition of sex is:
(chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.

And the definition of Education is:
the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

So, from that we must conclude that Sex Education is: 
the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction about sexual activity.

Why is Sex Education Important?

As an adolescent grows up, it is very important for them to be informed and knowledgeable about sex as they begin relationships and just generally throughout their life.

Now who can best educate a child about sex?

Is it the Schools or the Parents?

There are a lot of things that could be problematic either way. Parents can feel very awkward about talking to their kids about sex. Especially if the child is the other gender. Schools can sometimes misinform the students or not even know that they are showing them in the videos.

Another thing that can factor in is the Parents could have a different view than the Schools. Which could be because of their religion, culture, or personal preference.

If a Parent leaves sex education up to the schools then they have no control over what their child is learning about sex. And then it will be even harder for the parent to speak with their child about sex and might even cause the child to become uncomfortable talking with their parents about sex.

If a child is not receiving the answers they need, and they are not comfortable talking with their parents they could turn to google. Now Google can be an amazing thing but if you google Sex Education some pretty nasty things, that I assume nobody would want a young child to look at, will come up and could result in many future problems.

I highly encourage parents to talk to their kids and educate them on sex. If you are nervous, practice telling your kids by role playing with your significant other. By doing that and then talking to the child they’ll knows if they have future questions, that they can come to the parents and get answers.

Now something I’ve always never really understood is why there is such a taboo on the word sex.

Sex: Natural vs Naughty

Sex is a thing we need to do to repopulate the world.

Sex is also a thing we can do for pleasure.

I’m going to be honest, when I was younger, I was taught that I shouldn’t have sex until I was married. And I always believed that since you were supposed to be married that people only had sex when they wanted children. So, as I got older and found out through movies, TV shows ,and life in general that people had sex for pleasure I was shocked, to say the least.

It took me awhile… a long while to ever even talk to my parents about this because it felt wrong! People can’t just TALK about sex! That’s WEIRD… right?

Honestly, it’s a little weird BUT that because we’ve made it into this weird thing . It’s a bit like Voldemort… It that must not be spoken!!!
By not talking about it, it’s like this unspoken thing that will always be hanging over you and your kids head.

And just imagine how confusing it would be to be told no,no,no,no and then you get married and it’s like GO! Get me some grandchildren!!! And they just awkwardly look around like… What’s Sex?

Okay probably wouldn’t be as extra as not even knowing what sex is but for real people… Educate Your Kids! :)